The Effect of Social Action on Women Empowerment in Mandera County


  • Kulow Malim
  • Maurice Sakwa


Purpose. The current study's general objective was to determine the effect of social action on women empowerment in Mandera County. The study was informed by Feminist theory, Empowerment theory, classical modernization theory, and social learning theory.

Material/methods: The study used a descriptive research design to help in indicating trends in attitudes and behaviors and enable the generalization of the findings of the research study to be done. This study targeted 82 women groups with social enterprises in Mandera County. Simple random sampling was used to obtain 45 women groups, while purposive sampling was used to select three members from each women group giving a total sample size of 132 respondents.  A structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data.  The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches, employing both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

Findings: Study findings revealed that social action has a positive influence on women empowerment in Mandera County. Specifically, social enterprises have afforded women access to opportunities that have contributed to their empowerment.

Conclusion: In a rather patriarchal society, women now are actively involved in development issues.  Their lives have therefore transformed since the social enterprises see to it that women participate in development projects and are also assisted in running their businesses.

Recommendations: The study recommended for social enterprises to facilitate women's access to income-generating activities and ensuring they actively participate in development issues in the County.