A case study to establish the economic viability of local chicken production and processing in West Pokot County, Kenya


  • NK. ROP
  • Victor Kering


The study presents a synthesis of findings undertaken in four sub-counties (West Pokot, South Pokot, Pokot Central, and North Pokot) in the Pokot West sub-county. The major objective of the study was to establish the economic viability of local chicken processing in the County. Questionnaires and focus group discussions were used to collect data. The results of the study revealed that the purpose of rearing chicken was for income and home consumption. Women were mainly involved in rearing chicken. The local chicken scavenged and their feed was supplemented with home-grown grains and household food refusals. The chicken was kept in the poultry house. The average number of hens was 11 per household (ranged 1-50), cocks 5 per household (ranged 1-30), and chicks were 16 per household (ranged 0-250). The average number of cocks sold per year per household ranged from 50 to 60 cocks. The hens sold per year for each household ranged from 40 to 60 hens while the eggs sold per year for each of the households ranged from 480 eggs to 5520 eggs. They were sold mainly to local traders at stalls at upper market centers. Producers, internal and external traders were the main actors in the local chicken value chain. Outbreaks of diseases and predation were the major constraining factors of chicken production. However, poultry farmers showed a lot of enthusiasm to boost up local chicken production and productivity. The vast population of chickens and the high demand for chicken in the County justifies the establishment of a chicken processing plant. Nonetheless, emphasis should be given to availing feed, vaccines, veterinary drugs, and infrastructural development. Further, market linkages for chicken and eggs need to be developed by having an organized market system in the County. Additionally, the County government needs to consider availing credit, extension, and veterinary services. With this in place, area producers will be able to develop consistent chicken supply to service local and regional markets.